Survey question examples

“What questions should we ask in our survey?” This question is asked so often tinged with an undercurrent of terror. If this is you, relax. Have you ever asked a new acquaintance a question in real life? Great! You’ve already done this. First thing to consider: who are you surveying? Are you surveying customers? Donors? … Read more

Segment your audiences before surveying

Do you segment your audiences when you communicate to them? Do you speak to your Twitter followers in a particular way? Do you email clients differently than you email prospects? Do you send handwritten cards to large donors? You can segment your audiences when you survey them as well. Why segment surveys? When you segment … Read more

Email engagement: Surveying

Who likes to be asked for their opinion? Nearly everyone. Just look at Twitter, a huge social platform with millions of people offering their opinions without even being asked. Being asked for your views and perspectives provides validation. It makes you feel people are interested in your opinions. It makes you feel valuable. On the … Read more

The Nonprofit Marketing Funnel

How do your nonprofit communications work together? Do you simply put the same message out through your social media channels, your email list, your direct mail list, and your website? Let’s talk about how your communication can work together. Let’s talk about the marketing funnel, also called the sales funnel or donor funnel. Here are … Read more

What marketing metrics should nonprofits measure?

Age Height Measure

Overview: Know your marketing goals – are you raising revenue? volunteers? Brand awareness? Establish funnels – how does your audience reach the action stage to support your marketing goal? Take broad measurements to understand what is working and what is not working Measure specific metrics to understand how to optimize your funnel Some measurement tools … Read more